Motivation and Inspiration

Motivation and inspiration are two of my strongest passions. I firmly believe in the concept of not only paying it forward but also of reaching back to lend a hand. So for those reasons, among others, I will be gathering and sharing more of these treasures of health as time passes. Please be sure to check out the pages and share them with your friends and family to spread the healing worldwide.

motivation and inspiration
Sometimes it’s knowing we are not alone under the stars

There is a lot to be said for self-help, but motivation is a crucial component of helping ourselves. Sometimes it’s not so much we don’t want to help ourselves, but we can’t, or don’t know how to begin. Life can and often will drag us down into a hole so deep we don’t know how to get out. For that reason, in this category, you will find information on mental health, stress reduction, and mindfulness. In educating ourselves on causes, we arm ourselves with solutions. It helps to have a definite direction and knowing we are not alone.

Fun Stress Relievers Offered as Inspiration

Whatever is in the way, Discover how to move it.

The first section, Fun Stress Relievers, is about finding ways to prevent or relieve that #1 cause of so many problems. Stress symptoms left unchecked can have adverse effects on your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. If it becomes, chronic stress can contribute to serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Be aware; however, these relievers offered are for motivation and inspiration only. In no manner am I qualified to diagnose or treat your symptoms. That I leave for the professionals, what I offer are ways to cope daily with daily stress, not chronic stress.

Inspiration Moves to Motivation

Once inspiration kicks in again, bringing with it positive energy and motivation, what now? Well, to begin with, how is your career? Are you working from a passion or just to have a J.O.B.? Do you wish there were more than just working for the “almighty dollar.” As a matter of fact, there is more. Check out our Performance Giving Network. This network is a way to look at the world and work like never before. This category introduces you to a way to contribute to ridding the world of poverty. It is a way we are helping build better futures and increasing the quality of life for anyone willing to do the work. Come check it out for yourself. Then you decide if you want to be a part of something huge.

Motivate to Inspire

Inspiration to Stop Smoking Motivation

stop smoking

Maybe you have a health goal, such as stop smoking, that you’re finding challenging. Have you ever considered using subliminal messages? A product that is easy to use and can be modified for whatever goal you want, using whatever messages work for you—all to motivate and move you towards succeeding and improving your health.

Have Inspiration to Work From Home?

Maybe your inspiration is working from home on the internet blogging. It is true; many individuals provide for their families doing just that. And they have found a way to leverage their time and become paid by action, not paid by the hour. As a result, they are thriving in having time for those important things like time with family, healthy living from lack of chronic stress, having big blocks of time to find that “life balance.” Maybe you have an interest in learning about Crypto-currencies and the Blockchain. There is an entire network that teaches and works with individuals to explore and understand all the intricacies of this new currency. Check out LINK POST BLOGGING if you are searching for something unique and sustainable. And you have found it with this group, enjoy the motivational process they produce.