Wellness Treasure Unearthed

Wellness Treasure #1: Fine Wine Right to Your Door!!

wellness treasure

Wellness Treasure #1 comes in the form of Our Wine of the Month Program. Members of our Wine Club receive a new selection each month of our exclusive wine collection from Napa Valley. Whether you are a wine novice to an enthusiast, you will receive wine chosen with optimum care, knowledge, and understanding of the finer nuances of fine wines.

Treasure #2: New Brain Supplement

In today’s world, who really stops to think about their brain health? I don’t; I grab that ever-present cup of coffee to “wake up” and start my day off at full speed. You may be a chirpy morning person, but I am not. That is I don’t spring out of bed, ready to tackle my day. I also hit a mid-afternoon slump and need a nap. So, my mind was literally blown away by the difference I felt when I sampled this new product. Because it was not a physical difference, but a mental difference!

Did you realize that while our brains don’t weigh that much, only 2% of our weight, but it consumes the most energy produced by our bodies – 20% of it! I’m not going to try to explain how this works because the technology behind its creation is so new. Because I can’t describe this product the way it deserves, I’m sharing this video. It gives an excellent presentation about Brān (pronounced as breyn) and how it works.

Wellness Treasure #3: Awesome Coffee!!

Sneak Peek No. 1
Coffee and money?

Coffee that not only tastes great but aids in weight loss. That’s right; weight loss. And, this drink tastes like the best mixture of cocoa and caffeine. Not only that, but after a few minutes, I felt alert, not jittery. I liked that a lot; I’m not too fond of the shakiness that comes with some coffees. You can learn more about this unique coffee and other products here.